National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
People and Vehicles : Firefighter, Policeman, Police cruiser, Ambulance
Vehicles : Fire truck, Ambulance, Police boat
People : Policemen
Towers : Towers on a ridge
Computers : monitor array
NPSTC Sends Heartfelt Condolences to Orlando
Orlando Shooting
NPSTC Sends Heartfelt Condolences.  The member organizations and volunteers of the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council send heartfelt condolences to the City of Orlando, the victims and their families, the communications 911 staff, and to the other first responders and medical community who reacted to this senseless tragedy.
Aurora, CO, Police Department, Releases Video, "We Stand with the Orlando Police Department."  The Aurora, CO, Police Department, released this video, "We Stand with the Orlando Police Department", expressing solidarity on all fronts.  Aurora, CO, was the site of a mass shooting on July 20, 2012, inside of a movie theater.
Aurora's Chief of Police, Nick Metz, says that upon learning of the violence inside Pulse, the members of his department "felt an enormous sense of sorrow for the Orlando community and a great sense of empathy and connection to the men and women of the Orlando Police Department."
The Aurora officers collaborated on the video as a way of lending support to Orlando's cops, Metz explains in the clip.  "It goes without saying that the Orlando Police Department stepped up," Metz says.  "You all did an incredible job in protecting and saving lives that horrific night and for that, we salute you and we are incredibly proud to call you our brothers and sisters in blue."
Officer Tomas Campagna adds:  "We know what you're going through.  And while at the moment it may seem hopeless, we know you're going to get through this as a community and as a police department."  Aurora Policewoman Natasha Cabouet tells the camera that "even though we are separated by thousands of miles, we wear the same badge, the same uniform and share the same grief and sorrow."  Aurora Police Commander Mike Dailey says the Colorado officers "are here for you and we grieve with you."