National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
People and Vehicles : Firefighter, Policeman, Police cruiser, Ambulance
Vehicles : Fire truck, Ambulance, Police boat
People : Policemen
Towers : Towers on a ridge
Computers : monitor array
FYSA: CISA Continues to Support Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19
SAFECOM Members:
Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released an update to its Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers Guidance. Version 4.0 provides guidance on how jurisdictions and critical infrastructure owners can use the list to assist in prioritizing the ability of essential workers to work safely while supporting ongoing infrastructure operations across the nation.
The updated guidance reflects the changing landscape of the nation’s COVID-19 response. While earlier versions were primarily intended to help officials and organizations identify essential work functions in order to allow them access to their workplaces during times of community restrictions, Version 4.0 identifies those essential workers that require specialized risk management strategies to ensure that they can work safely. It can also be used to begin planning and preparing for the allocation of scarce resources used to protect essential workers against COVID-19.
The guidance also identifies workers who conduct a range of operations and services that are typically essential to continued critical infrastructure viability, including staffing operations centers, maintaining and repairing critical infrastructure, operating call centers, working construction, and performing operational functions, among others. It includes workers who support crucial supply chains and enable functions for critical infrastructure. The industries they support represent, but are not limited to, medical and healthcare, telecommunications, information technology systems, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, energy, water and wastewater, law enforcement, and public works.
Reflecting the ongoing dialogue and considerations as communities determine whether to re-open schools this fall, the list now includes workers who teach and support our children either in-person or through virtual learning. The guidance does not make judgment on whether schools should re-open, as those decisions are in the purview of state and local officials.
The guidance is advisory in nature and not intended to be the exclusive list of critical infrastructure sectors, workers, and functions that should continue to work safely during the COVID-19 response across all jurisdictions. CISA will continue to work with our partners in the critical infrastructure community to update this advisory list if necessary, as the Nation’s response to COVID-19 evolves.
For more information on the latest update to the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers Guidance or CISA’s response efforts to COVID-19, please visit
Thank You,
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency