National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
People and Vehicles : Firefighter, Policeman, Police cruiser, Ambulance
Vehicles : Fire truck, Ambulance, Police boat
People : Policemen
Towers : Towers on a ridge
Computers : monitor array
Public Safety Project 25 Standards
Project 25 (P25) refers to a suite of standards for digital radio communication produced through the joint efforts of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), the National Association of State Telecommunications Directors (NASTD), selected federal agencies and the National Communications System (NCS), and standardized under the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA).  The P25 suite of standards involves digital Land Mobile Radio (LMR) services for local, state/provincial and national (federal) public safety organizations and agencies.
These standards are endorsed by public safety users, industry associations and mission critical equipment manufacturers to define the functionality and interfaces that are needed to ensure interoperability between multiple Project 25 equipment manufacturers.
P25 is applicable to LMR equipment authorized or licensed, in the U.S., under the NTIA or FCC rules and regulations.
Although developed primarily for North American public safety services, P25 technology and products are not limited to public safety alone and have also been selected and deployed in other private system applications, worldwide.
Group Work
Recent Activities and Accomplishments
September 01, 2018
Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP)
Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG)
Federal Partners for Interoperability Communications (FPIC)
Project 25